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Negligent Security in Chattanooga

Negligent Security in Chattanooga

When property and business owners fail to use reasonable precautions to protect their guests, it can lead to terrible consequences. Imagine you stay in a hotel, only to be the victim of a vicious assault. If the hotel doors didn’t lock or there was inadequate lighting, then the hotel company could potentially be held responsible for your injuries. This is just one example of how poor security features can result in serious injuries to innocent victims.

At Davis Firm, LLC, our experienced Chattanooga premises liability attorneys focus on helping injured people demand compensation after attacks due to negligent security. We aggressively pursue justice on behalf of our clients, often taking on challenging cases that other attorneys may not be willing to try.

Please give us a call today if you or a loved one needs professional legal advice and compassionate representation. A consultation is free, and you only pay us if we recover money for you.

Examples of Negligent Security Issues

To prove negligence on the part of a property owner or manager, you must show that the defendant owed you a particular set of responsibilities (called “duties”), that they violated those duties, and that this in turn caused your injuries. Here are some examples of negligent security matters that could result in serious injuries:

  • Broken locks on doors – Apartment communities, hotels, and retirement homes are all examples of properties that are required to maintain basic security elements for residents and guests. Failing to fix broken locks on doors can leave residents or hotel guests open to break-ins, assaults, or worse.
  • Poor training – Malls and other large businesses may use security companies or in-house security teams to provide emergency response services to patrons. When these individuals receive inadequate training, they can actually make matters worse.
  • Background checks – This is especially a problem in environments where a failure to conduct a criminal background check could place the public at risk, such as health care companies, nursing homes, and schools. The failure to perform required background checks can expose innocent victims to serious threats that could have been easily prevented.
  • Bad lighting – Criminals are attracted to locations with poor lighting and a lack of security cameras, such as dark parking lots or parking garages, poorly lit hallways and staircases, and other areas.
  • Broken security cameras or security systems – When business owners fail to take adequate security precautions, such as fixing broken security cameras or alarms, criminals can take advantage of the situation.

Proving Property Owner Negligence

It’s generally not enough to show that you got hurt on someone’s property. Instead, you must show that you were lawfully on the premises and that the property owner or manager did something (or failed to do something) that directly caused your injuries.

Consider some of the elements that a court will consider when deciding whether a business or property owner may be held liable for your injuries or losses:

  • Patterns of conduct – In some cases, the business may have a lengthy history of criminal conduct on the property, yet the owner or manager failed to take reasonable steps to protect invited guests from crime. This can be evidence of negligence.
  • Type of property – Some properties may have higher levels of security expectations than others. For example, a hotel that offers rooms to the public is expected to provide a means for guests to be secure in their rooms, while nursing homes and assisted-living facilities may have heightened background check requirements for employees. Therefore, it’s important to work with a negligent security law firm that understands these nuances.
  • Thorough investigations – Do not expect a property owner to just voluntarily turn over evidence that could hurt them. Instead, you will need an experienced negligent security attorney to perform a thorough and independent investigation to find the evidence that makes the difference.

Compensation for Injuries Due to Negligent Security

Compensation in your injury claim will depend on several factors. Our dedicated legal team will thoroughly document all the losses you have suffered in order to demand maximum compensation for:

  • Medical expenses, including treatment you may need in the future
  • Lost income, as well a reduction in future earning potential
  • Pain and suffering
  • Permanent scarring or disfigurement

Because every case is unique, it’s impossible for any attorney to guarantee a specific amount of money. Instead, you should work closely with your attorney to make sure your voice is heard and that all your losses are being considered.

Common Places Where Negligent Security Problems Occur

Negligent security complaints can involve incidents at a wide range of properties, including:

  • Grocery stores
  • Shopping malls
  • Strip malls and other shopping centers
  • Apartment communities
  • Restaurants and bars
  • Hotels and motels
  • Health care facilities
  • Nursing homes
  • Assisted-living facilities
  • Hospitals
  • Banks and other financial institutions

No matter where your injury occurred, if you believe that landlord or property management negligence was to blame, you should speak to our team about your legal rights.

Tennessee Statute of Limitations on Negligent Security Claims

Under Tennessee law, the statute of limitations for most personal injury claims is just one year from the date of the injury. This is one of the shortest statutes of limitations in the country, meaning if you suffer injuries like in a slip and fall accident due to someone else’s negligence in Tennessee, you really do not have much time to act. You must contact an attorney right away. Otherwise, you run the risk of losing your rights entirely.

Many people make the mistake of thinking a year is a lot of time. It’s not. It may take a victim a few months to recover from the injuries and seek medical care. Then, it can take a while to realize that the injury was even caused by negligence.

Therefore, many people in Tennessee approach an attorney with just months or even weeks to spare. This can limit the attorney’s ability to launch an investigation and prepare the case for litigation. For these reasons, you should always contact an experienced Chattanooga premises liability lawyer as soon as possible.

Talk to a Chattanooga Negligent Security Attorney Today

Davis Firm, LLC personal injury attorney in Chattanooga, is committed to helping you pursue the financial compensation you need to move forward with your life after a serious attack. For a free and private initial consultation with our firm, call or visit us online today. Remember that we never take a fee or charge upfront retainers to get started, and we only collect payment for our work if we are successful in getting you paid for your injuries.