Uninsured And Underinsured Motorists | Davis Firm, LLC
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Chattanooga Uninsured / Underinsured Motorist Coverage Lawyer

uninsured car accident lawyer

The aftermath of a car crash can be a confusing and stressful time. You may be wondering how you’ll be able to pay your growing medical bills while you are unable to work, as well as how to pay for repair or replacement of your damaged car. If the person who hit you was uninsured or underinsured, those worries are compounded. In some cases, the at-fault driver doesn’t even stop and is never identified.

If you’ve been involved in a car accident in Tennessee or Georgia and you’re unsure if your insurance coverage options will compensate you for all the injuries or damages caused by an uninsured or underinsured driver, call Davis Firm, LLC. Attorney Scott Davis can help you determine your rights and options when you call and set up a consultation at our Chattanooga injury law office. We service Tennessee and Georgia, and we want to help you get the compensation you deserve.

How Does Uninsured / Underinsured Motorist Coverage Work?

Uninsured motorist (UM) and underinsured motorist (UIM) coverage are types of car insurance coverage options that can be added to auto policies by motorists in Tennessee and Georgia. These types of car insurance coverage options can help to protect you if you’ve been involved in a car accident that was caused by an uninsured driver or an underinsured driver. It can also apply to hit-and-run crashes.

An uninsured motorist is a driver who has no car insurance, despite state laws requiring liability coverage. An underinsured motorist is a driver who doesn’t carry enough coverage to reimburse you for all the damages that you sustained in the accident. Some types of UM and UIM coverage will pay you only for the personal injuries that you or your passengers suffer as a result of the accident. Other types of UM and UIM coverage options will pay you for the damages to your car.

In some states, UM and UIM coverage options are required. In other states, these forms of coverage options are not mandatory under state law. Tennessee and Georgia motorists are not required by law to carry UM or UIM coverage as part of their auto policies, but these states do require that all motorists carry minimum liability insurance.

  • In both Tennessee and Georgia, all motorists are required to have insurance that covers liability of $25,000 per person and $50,000 per car accident.
  • In Georgia, UM or UIM coverage will automatically be added to your car insurance policy unless you waive these options in writing.
  • Though Tennessee and Georgia state laws require that motorists carry minimum liability car insurance, not all motorists follow the law. Unfortunately, there are plenty of people who choose to drive without car insurance coverage of any type, breaking the law and putting law-abiding motorists at risk for serious financial loss in the event of an accident.

In cases in Tennessee or Georgia where injuries or damages exceed the state liability minimum or the amount of liability coverage the at-fault motorist carries, motorists who were injured and/or sustained vehicle damage may file a car accident claim with their insurance company if they have UIM coverage.

In these cases, the policyholder’s optional coverage will be used to cover the gap in the difference between the at-fault driver’s liability coverage and the total amount of damages. For example, if you’re involved in car accident in Georgia with an at-fault driver who has minimum liability limits and your damages from the accident amount to $75,000, your UIM coverage may be able to cover the gap in damages in the amount of $25,000.

What You Need to Know About Dealing with the Insurance Company

If you’ve been in a car accident caused by an uninsured or underinsured driver and you carry UM or UIM motorist coverage as part of your auto policy, you should file a claim with your insurer. It’s important to notify your insurance company immediately after you’ve been involved in an accident, but you should never make recorded statements about the crash until you have an attorney. If you wait too long to contact your car insurance company to file a claim, the insurance company may deny it.

When you file an UM or UIM insurance claim under your auto policy, you are asking your insurer to reimburse you for your damages up to the coverage limits that you selected in your policy. The insurance company may request to see proof of your injuries by examining your medical records and medical bills.

If your UM or UIM insurance coverage includes coverage for property damage to your vehicle, the insurance company may require that you to provide proof of it with multiple repair quotes from auto body shops and bills that document the repairs need to be made to your vehicle.

Car insurance companies want to pay out the smallest amount possible to cover your injuries and the costs to repair damages to your vehicle. This is true even when dealing with “your” insurance company.

Getting the compensation that you deserve from your car insurance company can be frustrating and time-consuming. The responsible Chattanooga injury attorneys at Davis Firm, LLC can negotiate with your car insurance carrier to seek the fairest amount of compensation possible in the shortest amount of time.

How Can a Lawyer Help After a Crash with an Uninsured Driver?

It’s important to contact an experienced Chattanooga car accident lawyer after you’ve been involved in a car accident with an uninsured driver in Tennessee or Georgia. Attorney Scott Davis at Davis Firm, LLC has been helping injured motorists in Tennessee and Georgia for years.

Davis Firm, LLC can help you to recover damages in the form of medical bills, damaged vehicle costs, lost wages, and other related costs and expenses. The Chattanooga car accident attorneys at Davis Firm, LLC can negotiate with your car insurance company to help get you the full amount of compensation that you deserve. We will also help you determine if it’s in your best interests to sue the uninsured driver in a personal injury lawsuit.

Dealing with car insurance companies and uninsured at-fault drivers can be a complicated and frustrating process. Scott Davis, an experienced car accident attorney at Davis Firm, LLC, can fight for your rights while you focus on recovering from your injuries. Call us today to schedule a free consultation.